Subsea Technologies is proud to offer innovative products from the following industry leading manufacturers:
- Easytrak USBL acoustic tracking systems
- Multi-system compatible acoustic beacons
- Acoustic release transponders
- Sub-bottom profiling products
- Oceanographic instruments
- CTD and Sound Velocity profilers
- Environmental monitoring
- Biofouling control
- iVP hydraulic valve packs and control systems
- Pressure compensators
- Diver monitor systems & instrumentation
- Through-water diver communication systems
- GNSS and DGPS integrated positioning receivers
- Vector DGPS heading receivers
- Differential beacon receivers
- OEM/GPS components
- Antennas
- Scanning sonars for imaging & profiling
- Parametric sub-bottom profilers
- Multibeam imaging sonars
- Sidescan sonar systems
- Echo sounder altimeters
- Heading & motion sensors
- Hydraulic dredging & jetting pumps
- Video cameras & lighting